The report provides the outlines of two tools, a suggested Review Process and proposed Development Framework to help boards, senior managers and information teams in organisations that would like to review their information security strategies and governance arrangements.

Since its launch in March this year, the DGSF actively engaged with civil servants, cyber specialists and technology providers to help guide the development of the Forum and to assist in quality assuring the work produced through the initiative. The report identifies four high priority areas, for government to address as it continues to make greater use of technology to meet austerity targets and improve the delivery of digital public services:

via Recommendations for strengthening cyber security policies.

You'll have to click-through to read the recommendations, but any seasoned InfoSec professional can guess what they are.

My original entry is here: Recommendations for strengthening cyber security policies. It posted Fri, 20 Sep 2013 09:00:17 +0000.

Filed under: InfoSec, policy,