Dear Friends,

We're preparing several Call For Presenters/Presentations (CFP) for upcoming security conferences and whatnot. To start we needed to know what was coming and what the various due dates were.

In that activity we met a problem.

We can't find a single definitive central repository of this information anywhere in particular, or if there is such a beast it isn't easy to find.

We aim to fix that deficiency.

PVC Security created a Security Events calendar. It will combine freely available information into a single iCal/Google Calendar/XML feed available to all. Anyone can make use of the calendar. We only ask for attribution for ourselves and the sources we use.

By the way, we use & reference for conferences:

We aim to make the data as doable as possible. We will include what links we believe useful in the invitation. We will not set reminders. The events cited are the canonical source for their events' information, so adjust your expectations.

If you have a security event that you would like to add to the PVC Security Event Calendar please let us know. Who knows? Maybe we'll even give you access to add and edit your own entries. We are platform agnostic - you can be affiliated with an organization or not. We're also egalitarian. If your event meets [P&E]'s smell test, we'll post it.

My original entry is here: Security Events Calendar. It posted Wed, 04 Mar 2015 17:00:04 +0000.

Filed under: Administrivia, General, Events Calendar,