I'm ready for M1 Rail to be up and running so the city and region can talk about extending it up Woodward Avenue into Oakland County, or at least to 8 Mile.

M-1 Rail CEO Matt Cullen joined M-1 Board Chairman Roger Penske and state and city officials to open the 19,000-square-foot Penske Tech Center in Detroit's North End neighborhood, where a little more information on the 3.3-mile rail loop was outlined.

Cullen said the Qline cars should be running on Woodward Avenue by spring 2017. That leaves a bit of cushion to the winter 2017 deadline the rail was bumped to last year.

Everything is on schedule, though, Cullen said.

Source: M-1 Rail opens Penske Tech Center; first Qline cars will be in Detroit by fall | MLive.com

My original entry is here: M-1 Rail opens Penske Tech Center; first Qline cars will be in Detroit by fall | MLive.com. It posted Tue, 03 May 2016 18:44:04 +0000.

Filed under: M-1 Rail, North End, Oakland County, Wayne County, Woodward Avenue,