I could catalog the legion problems with the Olympics, an every 2 years International "Sporting" Event (2ISE), but I don't want to ruin my February into March doing so. Bitterness remains from moving to the offset model (Summer and Winter Olympics used to be held in the same year) and when they let professional athletes officially participate (the "Dream Team" in basketball was awesomely absurd).

As an American, I would love it if no further 2ISE are hosted on our soil. They are expensive, corrupt, problem fraught, and no longer yield an economic benefit.

That municipalities across the United States constantly vote down even bidding on an 2ISE pitch crosses ideological boundaries in our divisive political landscape says something.

I'm still incensed that Los Angeles will host an 2ISE in 2028. That is a rant for another day.

Tune in tomorrow for my counter opinion.

My original entry is here: Your Olympics doesn't constitute my interest nor earn my support. It posted Sat, 10 Feb 2018 08:17:12 +0000.

Filed under: personal,