In case you haven't paid attention, I live in Tokyo. Tokyo hosts the 2020 Olympics.

Yesterday I briefly railed against the Olympics. I still think they are a waste of money, resources, and time. I specifically referenced the US.

And then there's Tokyo.

Train stations across the city are being remodeled and improved. The stations not under construction have likely been already renovated. Hotels are shooing up. Transit plans started testing a year ago. Refinements to messaging to include English and other languages are in their late stages. More and more restaurants, shops, and other venues are taking credit cards.

If someone tries to tie specific economic benefits to hosting the Games, they will still be hard pressed.

But this city can and might just be, by 2020, the most globally accessible by language, culture, and disability. The country might be, too.

That will be a huge economic benefit.

According to what I've read, disaster planning includes Olympic scenarios.

You better believe that Olympic folk in Tokyo are taking notes about everything that happens in South Korea these next two weeks. They will break down, analyze, and game plan for everything seen.

I wonder how much raw data Japan gets from South Korea to prepare for their games?

I think the Tokyo and Japan governments are exemplifying something we talk about in Security circles - never let an emergency go to waste.

My original entry is here: Your Olympics interests me and maybe earns my support?. It posted Sun, 11 Feb 2018 13:44:29 +0000.

Filed under: Japan, personal,