On June 19, Twitter has said it will be disabling "streaming services," which is how third-party apps like Tweetbot and Twitterrific can stream the timeline and send push notifications. The replacement, the Account Activity API is not available to third-party developers …

From 512pixels.net.

If this plays out the way it seems at the moment, this might not work out the way Twitter hopes it will. This feels like a monetization play.

I know of only one person in my circle who prefers the default Twitter client experience. As "The Most Interesting Man in the World" might say, "I don't always visit Twitter. But when I do, I prefer Tweetbot."

The third party developers of Twitter clients Twitterific, Tweetbot, Tallon, and Tweetings have a website on the topic and there's an associated hashtag campaign. These efforts impacted Twitter's plans at least to delay implementation.

"Stay tweety, my friends"?

Further reading

My original entry is here: Disengage Twitter?. It posted Sun, 08 Apr 2018 08:13:04 +0000.

Filed under: personal, tech,