I can't agree more:

Social media is as compelling as ever, but people are increasingly souring on the surveillance state Skinner boxes like Facebook and Twitter. Decentralized media like blogs and newsletters are looking better and better these days…

From kottke.org.

The article has some great sites to add to the RSS reader as well.

I'm buying in to the push away from the behemoths but they still play a role in getting the word out around content.

I like my site. I write it for me, often times as a bit of my exocortex. But if others enjoy it or find value, so much the better. I like the quote Jason has in his piece from someone named Kari:

I also keep it out of spite, because I refuse to let social media take everything. Those shapeless, formless platforms haven't earned it and don't deserve it. I've blogged about this many times, but I still believe it: When I log into Facebook, I see Facebook. When I visit your blog, I see you.

She wrote it far better than I.

Also on:


My original entry is here: ↝ Blogging is most certainly not dead. It posted Tue, 17 Apr 2018 22:00:24 +0000.

Filed under: personal, tech,