Intentional Twitter Usage:

Turning my notifications off mediated this somewhat, I am no longer poked to go back to Twitter by dings. I have never really viewed those notifications as important that need instant attention. The answer has been simply removing the app from my phone, I have drastically reduced my exposure to Twitter, and I really do feel better for it.

My Twitter usage is now restricted to when I want to 'go and check' Twitter on my computer. The downside is that I don't reply to messages and mentions like I used to, and also my tweets will come in short bursts of quite a few in a short space of time. So I must apologise for the time line spam, however I will still continue to share things to Twitter using Linky, and posts to will appear there also. I am not gone, just using Twitter far more intentionally and it has worked wonders.

(Via Greg Morris)

I did a version of Greg's write-up a while ago. I was going to take the extra step of killing off my Twitter accounts but changed by mind, at least for now.

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My original entry is here: Intentional Twitter Usage. It posted Sat, 26 May 2018 11:31:22 +0000.

Filed under: personal,