Siri Shortcuts Questions - WorkFlow Wednesday:

Siri Shortcuts isn't even on the iOS 12 beta as of now. But I have a list of questions I want answered before I can ease off on my apprehensive attitude on this new addition to iOS.

1.) Is this app going to replace Workflow, or will it just be an addition?

2.) If this is replacing Workflow, will I be able to import my current workflows without sacrifice?

3.) How powerful will this app be for automation?

4.) Can I trigger this without Siri? For instance, as an action in the Share Sheet?

5.) Is there a limitation on how many actions happen in a single workflow?

6.) There seems to be some kind of scripting possible with Siri Shortcuts, but what kinds of scripting is available?

(Via Tablet Habit)

My questions exactly. The sparsity of details around how Siri Shortcuts will work made me wonder why so many Apple bloggers expressed such uncritical openness. My biggest issue is, of course, the fact that I don't use Siri at all and have no desire to do so. To be fair, I have no desire to use any other "assistant". What interest I may have had evaporated.

My original entry is here: Siri Shortcuts Questions - WorkFlow Wednesday. It posted Thu, 07 Jun 2018 13:30:06 +0000.

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