For those already in World Cup withdrawal …

The Monty Python Philosophy Football Match: The Ancient Greeks Versus the Germans:

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Today, as the 2018 World Cup draws to a close, we're revisiting a classic Monty Python skit. The scene is the 1972 Munich Olympics. The event is a football/soccer match, pitting German philosophers against Greek philosophers. On the one side, the Germans - Hegel, Nietzsche, Kant, Marx and, um, Franz Beckenbauer. On the other side, Archimedes, Socrates, Plato and the rest of the gang. The referee? Confucius. Of course.

Note: Some years ago, this match was recreated by The Philosophy Shop, a group dedicated to promoting philosophy among primary schoolchildren. The Telegraph gives you more details.


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(Via Open Culture)

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My original entry is here: The Monty Python Philosophy Football Match: The Ancient Greeks Versus the Germans. It posted Tue, 17 Jul 2018 14:22:40 +0000.

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