Why Carbs Don't Make You Fat | The Art of Manliness
- Read on www.artofmanliness.com/articles/why-carbs-dont-make-you-fat/

To;dr - it's boring old calories across the food spectrum that make us fat, not carbs all on their own.

This is a very long yet information dense read. I recommend it if for no other reason than describing Brett's original view (low carb FTW!) and how he advocated that stance only to allow himself to be persuaded away from it by science. It's a sadly uncommon bit of bravery to be willing and able to change one's own mind.

This does back up my anecdotal observations in Japan where they eat the diet ultimately recommended here: high (healthy, low processed) carbohydrates, low fat, and moderate protein all in modest caloric intake. They do other things, like eating family-style when eating out in a group, that help to keep the calories down.

My own eating further backs this up in my own mind: when I eat a largely Japanese diet my weight drops; when I eat a modern American diet my weight increases.

Ultimately, Michael Pollen summed it up best:

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

As always, YMMV.

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My original entry is here: Why Carbs Don't Make You Fat | The Art of Manliness. It posted Thu, 02 Aug 2018 11:37:49 +0000.

Filed under: personal, science,