The Crack Squad of Librarians Who Track Down Half-Forgotten Books - Atlas Obscura:

Before we each had a little, flickering encyclopedia in our hands, we had librarians, and they're still experts at finding the answers to tricky questions. Through the Ask NYPL portal, a decades-old phone and text service, the staff has triaged everything from queries about the Pope's sex life to what it means if you dream about being chased by elephants. The library staff are ace researchers with a massive trove at their fingertips. A sense of mystery in their work comes when people approach them with vague questions and patchy details-particularly when they're looking for books, but they don't remember the authors or titles.

(Via Atlas Obscura)

My friend used to be employed as a librarian. I think they never stop being a librarian.

My favorite librarian moments: talking Twin Peaks when it was on its initial run; getting called out for not having read the Iliad & the Odyssey when I bragged about doing so (since corrected); the same librarian geeking out with me over the album Nursery Crime by Genesis; doing a fun podcast with one.

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My original entry is here: The Crack Squad of Librarians Who Track Down Half-Forgotten Books - Atlas Obscura. It posted Sun, 12 Aug 2018 08:44:42 +0000.

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