Chinese Supply Chain Hardware Attack:

Bloomberg is reporting about a Chinese espionage operating involving inserting a tiny chip into computer products made in China.

I've written (alternate link) this threat more generally. Supply-chain security is an insurmountably hard problem. Our IT industry is inexorably international, and anyone involved in the process can subvert the security of the end product. No one wants to even think about a US-only anything; prices would multiply many times over.

We cannot trust anyone, yet we have no choice but to trust everyone. No one is ready for the costs that solving this would entail.

(Via Schneier on Security)

The story moved since poblication last week, but Bruce's words still hold true.

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My original entry is here: Chinese Supply Chain Hardware Attack. It posted Thu, 11 Oct 2018 13:08:16 +0000.

Filed under: business,