Why the Enlightenment was not the age of reason:

Generalising about intellectual movements is always a dangerous business. The Enlightenment did have distinct national characteristics, and even within a single nation it was not monolithic. Some thinkers did invoke a strict dichotomy of reason and the passions, and privilege the a priori over sensation - Kant, most famously. But in this respect Kant was isolated from many, if not most, of his era's major themes. Particularly in France, rationality was not opposed to sensibility but was predicated on and continuous with it. Romanticism was largely a continuation of Enlightenment themes, not a break or rupture from them.

If we are to heal the divides of the contemporary historical moment, we should give away the fiction that reason alone has ever held the day. The present warrants criticism, but it will do no good if it's based on a myth about some glorious, dispassionate past that never was.

(Via Aeon)

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My original entry is here: Why the Enlightenment was not the age of reason. It posted Fri, 23 Nov 2018 12:05:28 +0000.

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