Search and Replacement Techniques:

From time to time it's a good idea to turn back to the basics. Even after years of Emacs usage you will potentially find things you overlooked before - or new ways established without you noticing.
This week I searched for workflows to find and replace matches with Emacs. In this post I will summarize the different techniques I found and hopefully provide you with some new methods you might want to try or incorporate into your own workflow. I will contrast "the old way" with the "modern way" in each section, but notice that by modern I don't necessarily mean better.
"Old" just means that the method has been built-in for a long time and "modern" means, external packages or newer additions to stock Emacs are used to achieve the task. As Emacs is big and the community even bigger the described methods are not near complete. Feel free to add you own suggestions in the comments.

(Via with-emacs)

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My original entry is here: Search and Replacement Techniques. It posted Sat, 01 Dec 2018 11:20:12 +0000.

Filed under: emacs,