Kyocera Card-Keitai E-ink Phone Runs Android (video):

Aside from a single model made by Onyx, E-ink phones are basically dead as a door nail. Ar at least they were until Kyocera released the Card-Keitai phone in Japan last year.

This phone sports a 2.8″ E-ink screen with frontlight and touchscreen. It weighs 47 grams, and has both Wifi and 4G LTE. Retail is around 330 euros, and it is reportedly only available through NTT.

The Card-Keitai is apparently running a very limited version of Android. It only has a few apps, and is mostly intended to act as a companion to your smartphone. That would really make it something closer to the Txtr Beagle or the Oaxis Inkcase, only a lot more expensive and with a little more functionality.

Neither the Inkcase nor the Beagle had much success before they were discontinued, and it is very likely that the Card-Keitai will follow the same path.

(Via The Digital Reader)

Who do I know with an NTT account that can hook me up? Or maybe I just watch for them to be released on eBay?

My original entry is here: Kyocera Card-Keitai E-ink Phone Runs Android (video). It posted Fri, 18 Jan 2019 12:48:51 +0000.

Filed under: Japan, tech,